Sunday, February 12, 2012

How to calculate the percentage of how much smallar 1 # is than another?

if i have one folder on my computer thats 22.9mb in size and i have a zipped version of it that's 19.6mb in size, how do i calculate by what percentage the zip file is smaller than the regular folder?

sometimes math confuses me,

thx :)How to calculate the percentage of how much smallar 1 # is than another?
Divide 19.6mb by 22.9mb and it will tell you the percentage it shrunk.
Here is my way of calculating percentage...

Cent means 1 of 100 and percent means "x/100". simply written as x%.

First of all percentage is calculating for 100; whatever it is does not a matter.

Here you will know how much your folder shrunk, in percentage.

22.9 mb shrunk into 19.6mb

100 mb will shrink into (19.6 / 22.9) * 100 = 85.58.

Here, you should remember that 100mb will shrink into 85.58, but this is not the answer to your question.

How much smaller than regular folder in percentage, is the question.

So, what do you do is deduct from 100; 100 - 85.58 = 14.41%. (you can do this step in first also; first deduct, 22.9 - 19.6 = 3.3; 22.9mb shrunk through 3.3mb

100mb will shrink through (3.3 / 22.9) * 100 = 14.41%. all are same)

The answer is zip file folder is 14.41% smaller than reg. folder.

I hope this will help you to understand.How to calculate the percentage of how much smallar 1 # is than another?
It depends on the exact wording of the question.

Since you asked by what percentage the zip file is smaller than the original, the answer is that it is 14.4% smaller. That is the same as saying the the 22.9 mb file is reduced by 14.4%.

If the question asked what percentage the zip file is of the orginal file, the answer to that is that it is 85.6% of the orignal file.
I believe it's roughly 14%. This can be obtained by dividing 19.6 by 22.9 and moving the decimal a few places over. You'll get something like 85.5, which can be rounded up to 86 for purposes of simplification. From there, subtract 86 from 100 and you'll find out the percentage difference. To test this:

.14 * 22.9 = 3.206

22.9 - 3.206 = approx 19.6

Hope I helped!How to calculate the percentage of how much smallar 1 # is than another?
(19.6 / 22.9) X 100 = 85.58%


(2nd Number / 1st Number) X 100 = Answer is percent ... hope this helps

.... that would be 85.58% of the origional size!

other wise if you want to know how much smaller it is ... take that answer and make it like (100 - 85.58 = 14.42%)
Original file is 22.9 mb

Zipped file is 19.6 mb

Smaller by 22.9-19.6 mb=3.3 mb

With respect to original file aip file is (3.3/22.9)*100 percent smaller

ie 3300/229=14.41%
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