Sunday, February 12, 2012

Calculate the percentage of energy lost at each transformation.How is this energy lost?

Transfer of energy at each trofic level in a river food web in (kJm^-2yr^-1)

incident light(3x10^6)

------diatoms(plants)(2.8 x10^4)

-------Herbivorous zooplankton(400)

-------young fish(17)

------older fish----------Calculate the percentage of energy lost at each transformation.How is this energy lost?
The transfer of energy from one trophic level to another is only about 10%. 4 transformations- Start with 1000, next to 100, next to 10, next to 1, next to .1. So the older fish should be .1 units if we start with a thousand units at incident light. Plug in the values to get your answer.

I have no idea why the other poster is even mentioning a thermal transfer rate. It's not part of the calculation.Calculate the percentage of energy lost at each transformation.How is this energy lost?
The energy is lost in the form of heat while transforming from one level to another.Calculate the percentage of energy lost at each transformation.How is this energy lost?
Its all a .077% loss at the thermal transfer rate off 4.

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