Wednesday, February 15, 2012

How do you calculate a percentage?

I forgot how to calculate a percent!

Like 120% of $3000?How do you calculate a percentage?
120 X 3000/100 =$3600
percent mean per hundred. Take 3,000 multiply it by 120 and then divide by 100.

Clearly in this case you can multiply by 12 then divide by 10, or multiply by six and divide by five.

3,000 x 6 = 18,000

18,000 divided by 5= 3,600.How do you calculate a percentage?
a percent is equal to a decimal two jumps to the right

ex. 100% is 1

80$ is .8

120 percent of $3000 is 1.2 times 3000
Turn your 120% into a decimal by dividing your percent value by 100 = 120/100 = 1.2

Multiply $3,000 by your percent decimal: 3,000 * 1.2 = $3,600How do you calculate a percentage?
You need to multiply your number (in this case 3000) by 1/100th of your percentage. 1/100th of 120%=1.2

Therefore 120% of 3000

= 1.2 x 3000

Convert any percentage to a decimal means moving the decimal two places to the left:

120% = 1.2

so, $3000*1.2=$3600
3000 times 1.2

If you want 80 percent of it, 3000 times .8

if you want a 100 percent, 3000 times 1

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